Perfect Attendance

If anyone has 'perfect attendance' programs\awards I am interested in knowing the criteria, award given, as well as the intended purpose and affect of the program. (For example, if someone has Jury Duty or takes bereavement days could they still have 'perfect attendance'?)


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If an EE has perfect attendance for a full year, they may earn up to 40 hours of vacation time. We give 3 hours per month and 4 hours if they make it all 12 months. If an EE is "paid" for an absence or is out under FMLA, they qualify for the award. Any absence not paid disqualifies them from the monthly award.
  • we run our program quarterly. The following types of leave do not count against perfect attendance: approved vacation, bereavment, jury duty, military duty (such as weekend drill for national guard). Each ee gets a certificate for perfect attendance and a monetary award ranging from $65.00 to $120.00 depending on the number of ees who have perfect attendance the higher the number of perfect attendees the greater the monetary award. Names go in a fish bowl and at end of year one name is drawn for a grand prize of $2500.00. The intended purpose is to improve attendance. In reality its always the same people (with very few exceptions) who get perfect attendance. However, I do have an ee who works third shift and hasn't been absent or tardy in 15 years. sorry for the lenghty response
  • We have a program that rewards employees annually for perfect attendance. Of about 110 employees, we usually have about 6 - 8 who don't miss any time. We allow for FMLA, Jury Duty, Military, scheduled time off, and bereavment. Basically, call-outs are the only thing counted any more. Our 'perfect attendance' (a misnomer) bonus is a $200 Savings Bond.
  • Our perfect attendance program runs qtrly. Scheduled vacation, jury duty, funeral leave, & FMLA paid days do not count against you for perfect attendance. If you call in the day of to use a paid day, it does count against you. For a qtr of perfect attendance you get 1 paid day off or can just take the pay. If you have perfect attendance for the entire calendar year, you get a 5th paid day.
  • Our ees have 6 personal days per year. If at their anniversary date they have even one day remaining we pay them for that day plus $100.00 bonus. If they have all 6 remaining we pay them for all 6 plus the $100.00 bonus and another $100.00 appreciation bonus. Like another poster replied, it is usually the same ees earning the bonuses.
  • We get a pat on the back and a heary handshake.
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