long time ee's hours cut still pay benefits

We are a small company and trained long standing employees are very important to us and the smooth operation of our company.

We want to keep our long time employees who request shorter hours, but still want to maintain their health, dental, short term disability etc.

How do we give them full time benefits at say 20 hours a week without it being discriminatory.

How do forum members include this in their handbooks and/or policies?

Thanks ahead of time for your help.

If you have a policy in place and want to forward to me please send to [email]rkaminski@spearmgmt.com[/email].


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We do when we can, but some of our carriers have their own rules. For instance we offer part timers medical insurance at a prorated cost; but they are not eligible for the life and disability insurances as the carriers require a minimum number of working hours to qualify. This way we do not get involved with age discrimination claims and other fairness issues (of course we still get "why him/her complaints).
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