Background Checks before an Interview
Is it legal for an employer to obtain a social security number and consent to perform a background check before an interview? I understood that you could not ask for the ss # before an offer is extend and accepted, but the article, Leave No Stone Unturned, seems to indicate otherwise.
There is no reason you can not have a SS# before an offer is made. You should not request age/gender/race, etc., to avoid a charge of discrimination.
The problem is the delay in receiving the information. In that time, we often lose the candidate.
I am sure I have read in many places that SSNs do not belong on a job application.
We always do a background check -- but after an offer is made. Our offer letter specifically says that hiring is contingent upon satisfactory background check and drug screen. Would that work for your company?
Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
It states in big print that this information is being collected in accordance with Dept. of Health licensing requirements, but that the applicants are considered without regard to age, race, etc.
My assistant and I are the only ones who see that information. We separate those sheets from the rest of the applications before giving them to supervisors.
We quote the law, and put all kinds of disclaimers about how the information is not used for any purpose but background checking.
The criminal check form we use for the PA state police asks for all that info (DOB, SSN, race, previous names). We are also required by our funding agencies to submit the criminal checks before an employee begins work.