Employee photos

Management is tossing around the idea of a policy of taking photos of all employees and having them sign releases.

There's been an occasion during an accident investigation when it would have been helpful to have a photo of a former employee that we could have provided to the investigator.

Does anybody have any thoughts on:

1) the legality
2) whether it would be likely to cause a revolt?

Thanks very much.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We did photo ID badges about a year and a half ago, didn't cause so much as a ripple. I don't know about the releases. What would employees be releasing their photos for? I think a general release which gives the company approval to use the picture for any purpose might cause concern.
  • Pictures for security ID, badges are all good. I don't think employees will like the reason that your management has for taking pictures.
  • I wear two photo ID badges- one for my company security and another for the building we lease. I do not recall signing anything and it is company policy that the ID be worn and displayed at all times. They are digital photos and when an employee is dismissed and there is a fear of said employee returning, a blown up ID photo is displayed at the security desk so the guards know to be on the lookout.
  • We have Photo ID's too....and there was not too much of an issue...we did have a few ee's that objected to having their picture taken...but we've managed to work that out...we used the same standard set by the Dept. of Transportation for not requiring a photograph on a driver's license. I think in the end, we have photos of everyone.

    I think the only time a release would be needed is if you wished to use the person's photo in a media release or marketing campaign.

  • I'm curious what grounds the DOT uses for letting someone refuse to have a photo taken. I called the state Department of Licensing, and they said they don't have any such grounds. Where did you find out about that?

    Thanks for the info!
  • Photos for IDs are common. However, under the circumstances you give, it would make a normally cautious person (such as myself) paranoid. I think it is a poor idea.
  • We take a picture of every employee on the first day of employment. We put it in the newsletter to welcome them and then keep them on a CD (digital photos). No one has every complained although some people ask us to update the pictures due to weight loss, hair color changes, etc.
  • We take photos of our staff so that manager's can learn names and not say "hey you". My only advice is that most people generally don't like having their picture taken.

    So, take 3-4 shots with a digital camera and let them select the one that they like best.

    The apprehension probably dates back to all the horrible school pictures we all endured from kindergarten through 12th grade.
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