body odor

the first female in question, is part time, makes sales appointment via telephone. she only leave her desk when going to the break room for lunch or a snack. it has been mentioned by other team members that she may have a flatulence problem because of the odor that has been notice when she is in the area.
we have two issues with different body odor, both has under arm odor that her team members have noticed and mentioned to the manager. i did address this with her about a year ago, but it is back. i guess because we are in florida, so i will do it again, tactfully. any help or suggestions that you might have will be appreciated. thanks. donice payne, Tampa FL


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have the bo problem here too with a male ee. It has been mentioned to him in the past, but it only changes for a short time. We think it's his clothes and we can't really make him buy new shirts constantly, nor is it really fair to buy them for him. The odor lingers...for at least 10 mins. after he's left the room. Let me know how you dealt with it originally and how you did it now. Thanks.
  • We did address the fact that another male ee needed to shower, and wear clean clothes because he was offensive to co-workers. If it continues, then it has to be a written warning to get their attention if they do not stay with the cleanliness. You may ask if they need assistance and/or do they have a washer or is their a reason that they cannot have clean clothes and a shower.
  • There were a few threads on both BO and a search, there were good comments.
  • DUDE! What is up with the stink-fest? I just don't get people who don't realize or care that they REEK. I mean, I understand if someone has a medical issue and can't help it, but if it's just plain old BO from not washing body or clothes I just don't get it. I swear I'm going to start handing out a bar of Lever 2000 with new hire packets one of these days.
  • The only way to deal with this is to be direct. Take the offending employee into a private area and explain that you have noticed they (sometimes/often) have an odor that could be offensive to their co-workers. Make suggestions on how to solve the problem (a new brand of underarm deodorant, beano, going to the laudromat or cleaners). Keep it brief and to the point.

    If you notice an improvement in a few days, make sure you let them know - again in private.

    Good luck. It's the tough part of HR.
  • Yes. I agree with your assumption that "It is because we are in Florida". I will also tell you that anyone who never leaves their desk except to go to the break room for lunch, is going to either have flatulence or bust a bladder, or both. Let these people out to exercise in the yard a couple of times a day and the flatulence will probably dissipate. If you watch them closely while they're outside and notice them looking up into the trees and whistling, there is an absolute certainty that they are farting.

    Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
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