Interviews again

Here is an interview/documentation question....

One you have completed all interviews you probably keep (I hope) those resumes for the minimum time required...okay..but do you keep the intervew. We have standard paper interviews so there is a paper trail..what do you do with that? Is is legal to trash them and just keep resumes?

Thanks again


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Federal regulations require that RESUMES and APPLICATIONS be kept for certain periods of time. No mention is made of notes and ancillary papers. Some consider such things part of the application and keep them with the application. Federal law does not require that. You didn't ask for opinions, but I'll give one. If I'm going to keep applications, I'm probably going to keep notes made during an interview. If a no-hire is challenged, it would be helpful to my defense to be able to show things that would support the decision to not hire. Perhaps those interview notes would do that.
  • I agree with Don. I have actually had to defend a no hire and used the notes to do so. (successfully)
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