Pre-employment tests (ie: math test)
Hello everyone! And Happy Monday to you all!
I have a guestion regarding pre-employment testing. I have put together an "order puller" involves the following:
Section 1 - Multiple Choice Matching
Candidates are asked to select matching part numbers. Here is an example:
1) VSM07P12
a. 07P12VSM
b. VSM07P12
c. V5MQ7P12
d. VSM07PL2
The correct answer is "b"
Section 2 - Basic Math (add, subtract, multiply, divide). Here is an example:
26) 250-100
The correct answer is 150
Section 3- Word Solving (also math)
Here is an example:
1) A customer orders 250 pieces of a product. The product is packaged 25 to a box.
How many boxes do you pull for that order?
The correct answer is 10.
Having illustrated what all this test involves, here is my question...Do I have to put this test through any type of validity testing before I can "legally" use it as a hiring tool? My goal is to eliminate candidates that miss over 10 questions on this test...obviously we need to hire order pullers that can accurately read and pull an order. I am wondering if I can even do this legally...looking for your opinions on this.
Any help/advice you can offer would be much appreciated. Thank You!!!
I have a guestion regarding pre-employment testing. I have put together an "order puller" involves the following:
Section 1 - Multiple Choice Matching
Candidates are asked to select matching part numbers. Here is an example:
1) VSM07P12
a. 07P12VSM
b. VSM07P12
c. V5MQ7P12
d. VSM07PL2
The correct answer is "b"
Section 2 - Basic Math (add, subtract, multiply, divide). Here is an example:
26) 250-100
The correct answer is 150
Section 3- Word Solving (also math)
Here is an example:
1) A customer orders 250 pieces of a product. The product is packaged 25 to a box.
How many boxes do you pull for that order?
The correct answer is 10.
Having illustrated what all this test involves, here is my question...Do I have to put this test through any type of validity testing before I can "legally" use it as a hiring tool? My goal is to eliminate candidates that miss over 10 questions on this test...obviously we need to hire order pullers that can accurately read and pull an order. I am wondering if I can even do this legally...looking for your opinions on this.
Any help/advice you can offer would be much appreciated. Thank You!!!
Thanks for your help
P.S. Still interested in any other thoughts that ya'll may please feel free to add your two cents...
Go for it!
One minor consideration is the person who doesn't read well; can they have the test read to them?
What about a visually handicapped person?
On the whole, though, great job.