Creditor harassment at work

I have an ee who has asked me what they can do, if anything, to stop a creditor from harassing them at work. She has asked them to stop calling, but they continue to call. It is disruptive to her as well as those taking the numerous phone calls. I've not had to deal with this before, so I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done.
However, if this is the only contact number a credit has, it will continue to be used.
Does your employee have a direct dial number or do the calls come through a general office line?
I would advise your employee to provide an alternate number to the creditor, put their request that the calls to the work number cease and add that the Attorney General will be notified of any additional violation. I would follow this up with a written letter to the creditor.
If your ee has the resources he/she may wish to contact an attorney that specializes in collection issues. Depending on the amount of debt, it may be worth the time.
You as the employer also have the right to forbid such calls in the workplace. Certainly, you cannot discipline your ee for the call (creditor can get numbers from many other places besides the ee's application)...but it's effective to tell the creditor that so and so may not receive calls to the workplace and that YOU will call the AG office if the calls continue.
I had to do the same for an employee as well. I wrote a letter to the "calling company" that it was against our company policy to have ee's receive personal phone calls AND that we provide a harassment free workplace, which they were violating. The calls stopped immediately.
Are they immune to the "no phone calls" rule?
I googled and came up with this site: [url][/url]
They might be able to help.