Quick Response Please
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An employee just came to me to advise me that her doctor wanted me to call him regarding her mental state. She said that relieving the receptionist on the front desk is proving to be too much stress on her (it is a very busy and sometimes nerve-wracking spot). I advised her that her doctor should speak with her supervisor. She stated - "Well this is very confidential medical information." My question is, should I intervene (break the chain of command) or have the doctor speak with the supervisor?
That said, if you get to the end of a process, whether it is with the EE or with the Doctor or both, you may be faced with changing the job description to accomodate this EE. If this is an integral part of the job and it does not make sense for your company to exchange the back-up reception duties with another position, then accomodation may not be reasonable for your company.
I know I have jumped ahead a notch or two. I would not feel comfortable having anyone talk directly to the Doctor. Require him to put his restrictions in writing so you have the documentation to support whatever actions you subsequently take.