Bargaining unit membership/negotiations.

The NLRB Website has this partial answer to the question who can be included in a bargaining unit? "...In addition, the Board, as a matter of policy, excludes from bargaining units employees who act in a confidential capacity to an employer’s labor relations officials."

Would this included the HR Admin Asst and Payroll Manager? The involvement these two positions have in negotiations is very limited, all negotiations are handled by the Board Reps, a chief negotiator and the HR Director.

Also, what about the President secretary and the Business Officers secretary?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It depends, to some degree on the nature of the unit. The HR assistant will not be excluded on the basis of confidential; the payroll mgr may be excluded because of his positionj, but not because of confidential;somebody's secretary may be excluded on basis of confidential, if, that position handles the paper work of negotiating team.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-18-04 AT 04:14PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Positions like these are, many times, fought out on a case-by-case basis, and are determined by their job responsibilities. My assistant, I believe, would be excluded. She types initial proposals and has input into same, attends all bargaining sessions, records our version of what transpires and has input from time-to-time, participates in all caucuses, and does research into costing and effect of both sides' proposals. In my absence, she has authority to interpret contract language, etc.
    You cannot split these duties twelve ways and attempt to exclude that many employees, but include these duties in the job description of those that it is reasonable to exclude, and have them actually do the work, and you've got a good case.
    Edit: spelling
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