Valid License Policy

I'm updating our handbook. We have a section on Operating motor vehicles, seat belts and cell phone use (basically use your seat belts and don't use your cell phones). We are a bank, so we don't have a lot of car use - managers between branches and mortgage originates. I realized we don't mention having a valid driver's license and car insurance (in Mass. you have to, but..) Does anyone have this in their handbooks? Thanks.
Employees who are required to drive a Company vehicle or their own vehicle on Company business will be required to show proof of current, valid driver's license and current, effective insurance coverage. Copies of these renewal documents must be forwarded to your Human Resources Department.
At the Company's discretion, we may check the DMV records of all employees who drive as part of their job.
The Company retains the right to transfer to an alternative position, suspend, or terminate an employee whose license is revoked, or who fails to maintain personal automobile insurance coverage or who is uninsurable under the Company' policy.
Seek legal opinion in your state for this very real event. I am holding my breath for I know several of our work force personnel who do not have a current driver's license and depend upon their ability and safety to get to and from work in an automobile in violation of state law!
Our attorney has advised me, this could be a very real possibility and made sure we had a general statement in our policy that all employees are expected to abide by & within state law, regardless of the purpose of the law.
It is our only defense, and a weak one at that. I too have "out of sight out of mind" driven without a current driver's license. As soon as I realized it, I made quick haste to the police and up-dated my license.
I forgot to add that we require the individual to have reliable transportation in order to become an employee. We do not require the individual to have a driver's license. the individual can ride a bike, or bumb a ride, or whatever, but he/she must declare the availability to get to and from work or the offer of employment will not be given.