3rd Party in Fact-Finding
902 Posts
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-12-04 AT 08:42AM (CST)[/font][br][br]We have a fact-finding scheduled with a suspended employee....he is non-union....but would like an attorney present at the meeting. Our postion in the past has always been that non-union employees may not have 3rd parties present at internal administrative meetings.
What are your thoughts?
I should add that we are a union enviornment. Managment level employees do benefit from the collective bargaining agreement; however without direct representation from the union.
What are your thoughts?
I should add that we are a union enviornment. Managment level employees do benefit from the collective bargaining agreement; however without direct representation from the union.
When dealing with a non union employee, I will give them the same right to have someone accompony them to the same hearing. They may bring a fellow employee with them, however, they are not permitted to have attorney representation with them at this hearing. Again, unlike miranda, I am not required to advise them of their rights.
This was just a sidebar comment made in connection with a training seminar.
I did not get a chance to delve into this issue at all, but thought it was an intereting perspective.