termination question
3 Posts
I need some help!! My company is a manufacturing/sales facility. One of our employees legitimately works with samples and we have no problem with him taking what he needs from the manufacturing floor. Recently his supervisor has been told by someone in manufacturing that the employee has taken an amount that is much more than he needs for his purposes. The supervisor has been looking for a way to terminate the employee and now feels he can use this as a reason. We have no written documentation on this situation, nor any other reason for termination. I would appreciate any advice.
You say the supervisor's been trying to terminate the employee anyway. Why? Later in the post you say that there is no reason for termination aside from this taking of samples, a practice he has already been advised is OK.
Is the employee not doing the job? If not, and you're an at-will employer, let him go because he's not doing his job. Don't hide behind a pretextual reason.
The feeling is that this situation may have presented the company with the reason to do it. My concern is that we have no documented history. Using the "at-will" laws would make more sense.
Managers create more grief and anxiety for themselves by not acting straightforwardly and honestly with employees when they exhibit traits or characteristics that they don't like. To try to use theft as a pretext for termination is not a good idea. I would suggest that your managers take a testosterone injection and face up to the task at hand. Just do it.
I also agree that termination based on the sample usage is fairly weak.
What is more important is that you have a slackard that complains alot. Get 'em out!!!
Set expectations, provide feedback, hold them accountable. Do it often, do it now, get 'em out!!!
That said, I too agree with (most of) the advice already given. x:-)
Document Document Document. follow your policies...and document some more. THAT is the key to success.
My first time on this message board - - you helped a lot!