checking references

When checking references on an applicant am I limited to the references listed by the applicant? We have a generic release of information on the back of the application that says we can verify any information on the application. So do you feel I can leagally ask a reference that the applicant listed for more references? We have (like most apps.) a section for "past employment" and a section for "work references". So can I call past employers even if they are not listed as a "work reference?" I have resently drafted a weightier release of information form to be used with the high end jobs. But I would like to know my limitations when doing any reference checking. We hire for a range of positions from Bus Monitors to Executive Directors. Hopefully we will not be looking for another ED for quite sometime to come.

Thanking you in advance


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes. You can verify anything on the application or resume that you choose to, including educational attainment, licenses, memberships...anything listed. You asked, 'Can I ask a reference that the applicant listed for more references.' I'm not sure what you meant by that. Sounds like if you are talking to one of his listed references you would maybe like to ask that person if there is someone he might recommend that you call. If that's an approach you think is useful, sure, go for it.
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