Can't make her happy
jennifer jo
58 Posts
Well, I enjoy reading the posts, but seldom participate. I'm surprised at the tone that these posts have taken. I'm looking forward to finding out if and how the situation was resolved. Happy Friday.
* informative
* containing divergent opinions, but all based on business experiences and strategies
* inclusive of potential employment legislation that might necessitate more formal responses
* quite humorous at certain points! It was interesting to read posts from people who have such a strong way to assert their opinions, especially when they really were in violent agreement!x:D
I just wonder, what did the original poster end up doing in this situation? Any update?
Oh and I wholeheartedly agree with Don who states that it's perfectly acceptable, and in many cases preferred, to mix business with humor. In my humble opinion ;;)
BTW, plants can be violent, haven't you ever heard of the Venus Flytrap?x:-/
Crout, the hit squad didn't get to you in time? (It's the lady who used to be at the top of the web page, armed with an Ugly Gun.)
James Sokolowski
And beagle, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you. Keep that low profile - the HR lady is gunning for you!