Can't make her happy!



  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-07-04 AT 10:45PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Don, you're not wrong, but you are long-winded today! Little extra time on your hands? x;)
  • I think this is a super groovy site. Because of this, I am making a good faith effort to become a more productive and less controversial participant. SteelBoy has been melted down and has undergone a substantial composition change. He has reemerged as AluminumBoy. We all know that aluminum is a softer, more conforming material than steel, just as AluminumBoy is a softer, more conforming hrhero. AluminumBoy has the same beliefs as SteelBoy, but is much more amenable in his interactions. AluminumBoy will almost always suggest a hands-on business approach to solving problems. Instead of two machetes and an icepick, AluminumBoy shall wield a small swiss army knife and an accompanying small club with rounded, smooth edeges.

    As a point of reference, I would say that SteelBoy's E.I. is on order with Bobby Knight's, whereas, AluminumBoy's E.I. should settle in on par with Bill O'Reilly.

    Don D, as far as any affiliation with SMACE, your intuitions are incorrect. Please note that SteelBoy had commented favorably to replies from several others...most notably mswild31 and sonny. SteelBoy did have an immediate fondness for SMACE given his tolerance for a different approach. The fact that he lives in the beautiful TarHeel state is merely coincidence. If I were SMACE, I would quickly disavow any affiliation with SteelBoy as I would not want to tarnish my reputation as worthwhile contributor to this site.

    Finally, it is only appropriate to end the Boy of Steel's life as an hrhero with his final thought.

    Don't be an hrhero, be a business hero...who just happens to utilize the wonderful information found on this site. Obviously, this site already benefits from that type of hero. SteelBoy...RIP.

  • Welcome to a very diverse forum, 'AluminumBoy'. We have a wide range of personalities and experiences (brand new to HR up to 30+ years) on this forum. Those of us in the middle rely on the more experienced to gain a better insight into not just the workings of HR, but how it best supports the business and is part of the business. And we also try to help those who are struggling due to inexperience or insurmountable problems deal with whatever they face. This is a wonderful place to hangout to get educated, find camraderie, and sometimes just act silly. Many HR professional bemoan their lack of credibility or acceptance into the business, we are perceived as a necessary evil. With your strong focus business, hopefully you will bring much to our party.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-08-04 AT 10:38AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Someone's obviously discovered the 'multiple screen name' function of their internet contract connection. Are we to become a cartoon strip here. Next, Saranwrap Boy? Hopefully James will develop a cure for the virus and we can get back to the business of what the Forum is for.
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