Assessment Tests

A colleague of mine in HR will be taking an assessment test as part of the selection process. Any guidance you can provide as to what tests may be included in such an assessment will be greatly appreciated. I understand it is both psychological and analytical. Thanks.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think you will find that any test that is designed to reveal mental illness and is routinely used in a clinincal setting to provide evidence that would lead to a diagnosis of a disorder or impairment, is a 'medical exam' and therefore prohibited by the ADA at thepre offer stage. Personality tests designed to test traits such as honesty, tastes and habit are generally permitted.
  • Actually, they are just personality tests. Thanks.
  • Ones that are commonly used are Profiles, Omnia, Myers Briggs, and others. You can learn more by doing a search to find their websites.
  • If the test is verbal, he can expect direct, compelling eye contact and copious notetaking from the test tech, who is typically a psychologist or someone who thinks he/she is. Tell your friend to always think before answering although spontanaety is suggested by the technician. If its a written test, tell your friend to think before blackening a circle. Not to distraction, but, just be sure that's the response upon which you want to be evaluated in some dark room after you turn the paper in.

    People who peddle and utilize those instruments are geared toward weeding people OUT, not IN and the batter has the disadvantage, as the pitcher knows which pitch is being thrown.

    Also tell your friend to not sit with his legs and hands crossed or interlocked. That gets you a special writeup over in the margin.
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