Governmental extortion?
910 Posts
Whadayu think? I heard an EEOC attorney bragging, that when an employer dared to suggest the EEOC proposed accomodation was a financial hardship, the atty suggested "...friends at the IRS might be interested in looking over your books to appreciate how this accomodation can be a financial hardship." I was flabergasted. I remain angry as hell. It didn't involve me, but I find it just plain outrageous that one governmental agency would think it had the right to threaten a taxpayer in that way. What's more disturbing is that the atty would think it such a smart move as to brag about it. I'd complain to someone, the EEOC Chief or the IRS commissioner, but I'm afraid the hobnails would be on me in a flash! My app for the militia is in the mail!
If this guy is a jack*ss enough to brag, I have to wonder if he didn't make it up to begin with. I find that a person's courage and cleverness becomes greater when a story is being retold. If any attorney ever said that to counsel at my company, they'd be all over him in a real big way.
Sounds like a tactic the police DA on Law and Order use all the time...
So, the categories are....(drumroll)...Speak Up or Stay Silent.
Put me in the Speak Up column as if you had any doubt.
I'm in the Speak Up column - I've had to cry baloney several times over the years, so I feel confident I would do the same here.
I wonder what the accomodation was??
Good Luck,
I didn't intend to imply the above. It's just easier to push the bully if you know your company is in good standing. Usually a bully will back down, calling a bluff. However, I like knowing I have the hand.
x:-) I can see you now, as you take the stage, black tails, tophat, twisting your mustache tip, approaching the witness stand, wheeling toward the jury, casting a headlong glance out the fogged window on the side of the old courtroom...
"Tyranny, ladies and it's mildest form, is tyranny indeed. Here sits before you a crumpled, pitiful example...."
>"Tyranny, ladies and it's mildest
>form, is tyranny indeed. Here sits before you a
>crumpled, pitiful example...."
"...of power left unchecked,..the bruises, indelible and forever, on a complacent nation's neck.
Oh Donald, my Donald, I fear our chance was lost,
We failed to rage, to rant to rail
refused the awful cost.
Too late we came to join the fight,
and now the beast is grown
Too late we knew the price we'd pay
our souls in hell he'd own".
(Thanks to Don D and apologies to Walt Whitman)