Delicate Issue: Flatulence
29 Posts
Has anyone had any experience discussing a flatulence problem with an employee? Other than addressing this as delicately and compassionately as possible, reminding employee of working in close quarters and leaving the room or using a restroom as needed, I'm not looking forward to this at all. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Try to keep in mind that the employee may have a medical condition, such as IBS, that causes them frequent and uncontrollable gas.
I believe that inappropriate behavior in the workplace should be addressed.
It sounds like this problem has been dumped on HR because no one else wants to address it.
I also know some employees will push the buttons to see how far they can go.
I would let the employee know that there have been complaints. If there is no health issue involved and IF the behavior continues, at some point, you have to warn an individual that certain behavior cannot be tolerated and they could be terminated.
OF course you would need to edit your sign-in name from the lead post - or not.
No easy way to do this, ignoring it is not an option.