Drinking during working hours

We have a situation where an employee we hired 2 weeks ago has been suspected of smelling like alcohol by several employees she works with. They have notified the supervisor in that department and she wants to know the best way to approach this employee about the issue. Our employee handbook has a substance abuse policy and states that if there is just cause to believe an employee is violating this policy, he/she will be disciplined. The employee we currently suspect was required to read the manual and sign an acknowledgement form when she was hired that she read it and understands it.
Could someone assist me with the best way to handle this situation? Thanks.
Could someone assist me with the best way to handle this situation? Thanks.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Good luck.
With that background, I see no reason why you could not have the person tested. As a policy matter, I always recommend that an employer follow its established policies. I do suggest that you change "just cause" to "reasonable suspicion." There is a difference.
One final thought. I recommend that you follow my "California Doctrine." If you have an opportunity to empower an employee to find a job elsewhere, take it and find an employee who does not give you problems or cause concern. The failure to follow this doctrine, in my experience, has given rise to the application of my second rule of employment--"No good deed goes unpunished."
Good luck.
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070