When salary employees go on Medical
2 Posts
We are a new company and all of us here are new to HR. We do not have a policy in effect that would outline how much time we would pay a salary person while on medical. Is there any laws that state how long you must pay a salary person?
You may not know it, but this question has some hidden depths. Basically the company can determine how much sick leave to allow. You would base it on your local job market keeping in mind that these types of benefits have a huge impact on your ability to attract and retain employees. Our company gives a day a month and allows unlimited roll-over year after year.
To explore the depths of your question involves diving into the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). You need to determine whether the EEs are exempt or non-exempt, which is more than whether or not they are salaried, it has to do with answering the short and/or long test to determine status. Three basic categories determine if exempt status is reached.
Then the answers can start flowing. Exempt EEs have different laws with respect to docking pay than non-exempts. Lots of layers to these issues and your sick leave policies have large effects on the answers.
So before anyone can get into great depth with you, you need to start defining some policies and do some research to make your questions more specific.
I am not trying to offend you, just telling you that you have a ways to go before these answers can make sense.
Good luck.
Thanks again.