Military Time Off

Do you require employees to present their offcial military orders before you grant a time off request? What is your policy if the employee volunteers his/her services to the military, rather than vice versa?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, we do ask for a copy of the orders. Because it provides starting and ending dates (subject to change) it makes it easier to plan for the absenses which since early 2002 have incresed significantly in the length of time the employee will be away. I have never had anyone volunteer outside of the National Guard, who we treat exactly the same, so I am of no help on that question.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-14-04 AT 02:04PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I asked this question because I had a retired military person volunteering his services to the National Guard to cover for those sent over seas. I was told that whether volunteered or required, service to our country is covered under USERRA exactly the same. By policy we require both to produce orders...and yes volunteers do get them if their offer is accepted.
  • We require ee's to submit their orders then put a copy in their personnel file. Even if a person volunteers, won't the military issue some kind of a document (order) verifying their participation. If so, then treat the same.
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