On-site customers who appear ill or who say they are depressed
5,885 Posts
What is an employer's obligation towards a visitor to your place of employment, which happens to be a public building, filled with members, donors and volunteers?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Happy New Year and ya'll be careful up there where the world is a "buzz with security and danger". My self, I am going to slay the deer this evening, and leave the terrorist to your greater population concerns. I will be ready, if they come my way and I want hesitate to defend my territory, but I sure would hate to waste a good bullet on the likes of this crazy world of ours!.
Diagnosing mental illness is something to leave to licensed and educated persons that can have a defendable basis for their diagnosis. You can (as do we) provide all sorts of resource and referrals for those individuals, but your duty to report them to some public authority is extremely limited. If you are witnessing violent behavior or hear threats of same, then you have some obligations, but they are the same ones you have as a citizen.
What do you do when someone with obvious signs of the flu walk in your building? You probably don't call an ambulance and whisk them off to the ER - that would only happen if they were bleeding as they walked in the door, or passed out in front of your receptionist - but not because you casually observed that they have sypmtoms of some sort of illness.
Like Don observed, I would need more information to get more specific with comments.
I understand that it is an employer's obligation not to let an employee leave the premises, driving for example, if we had reason to know that they were somehow impaired.
Similarly, if we have a situation with a donor/customer/member, who at the extreme scenario, expresses suicidal thoughts, what are our obligations?
I strongly suggest that legal counsel be sought on the issue to get a defnitive explanation for your state, of what liability, the owner of a building may have for individuals who visit it (in a non-employment relationship).