Contract by defalut?!?
1,510 Posts
We are a union facility and just finished our contract negotiations. The union membership voted on the proposal yesterday and voted it down. They then took a strike vote and that was voted down as well. I am now being told that we have a contract because the strike vote was voted down. In my past experiences if a contract proposal was voted down the decision then was whether to go back to the negotation tables and extend the contract or to decide NOT to extend the contract and put the latest proposal in place.
Has anyone heard of a contract being put in place by the union like this?
Has anyone heard of a contract being put in place by the union like this?
It appears that the union we have has a clause in their bylaws that state if a contract is not accepted, and a strike vote is taken but does not go through, the contract is accepted by default. This is the first time I ever heard of such a thing but that's how things played out. The union membership could have voted to go back to the negotiation tables and request an extension of the contract but they didn't. They elected to go for the strike but didn't get it. Lucky for us, huh!?!
Margaret Morford