possible drinking problem
670 Posts
We have an ee who may have a drinking problem? Due to other ee's commenting on it should we address this with the ee?
We have been having performance issues but do not want to terminate.
What can we do?
We have been having performance issues but do not want to terminate.
What can we do?
I would think the safety problems and customer relation problems would cause you to get after this issue without hesitation.
There are several threads on the forum discussing ways to specifically address personal improvement plans for this behavior. Do a little research and figure out which of these suggestions will work for your company.
You do not have to immediately terminate, but if you do not address the situation, you may wish you had.
Good luck.
"In cases where management has reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee possesses or is under the influence of drugs, a drug screening may be ordered. The suspicion will be based upon objective symptoms such as factors related to the employee’s appearance, behavior and speech".
If the problem is not affecting the other issues I would stick to dealing with performance.
Do you have an EAP program? If so this is a great opportunity to involve the EAP.
"May have a drinking problem"? "Other ees commenting on it"? These are the two weakest of all possible reasons to consider approaching an employee about what you perceive, or hear is a problem. You should carefully review your policies regarding the use of and penalties for illegal drug and on-job alcohol use. If, according to your policy's observation criteria, the employee is suspect, proceed in accordance with your policy. This is a slippery, emotional and dangerous slope and you must proceed well informed and in accordance with a sound policy and procedure. The very last reason to react is because of some rumor.
I have never had an employee confess at that point that they had a problem, but they now know if they ever want it, you will help them. About 25% of the time, they will come back at a later date and ask for help. That's a powerful opportunity we have to help someone change their life. Most recovering alcoholics and drug addicts say that no matter how much their family and friends begged them to get help, it wasn't until their employer became aware that they decided to do something about it. I'd hate to squander that opportunity.
You only have this conversation once. The next time Joe comes in unable to function, you address the performance issue straight up and move Joe to the next step. Sometimes someone has to hit rock bottom before they get help. Sometimes rock bottom is losing their job. Address the performance problem as you would any other. Fire Joe if he runs through the process and doesn't improve. Otherwise, you are just enabling him to drink or use.
At least twice in my life, I've fired employees that we knew had drug or alcohol problems and they returned six months to a year later asking to be re-hired, telling us they'd finally gotten help. They each showed me their sobriety chip. We re-hired both and never regretted it.
Margaret Morford
I like Margaret's approach as addition, but as she notes, one time, one time only. Other wise it should be all about performance.