What a mess!
305 Posts
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-03-03 AT 11:08AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I interviewed and hired the nicest person last Wednesday. He started on Monday, with limited access b/c I did not receive the results from his pre-employment testing. Apparently due to Holiday fever my testing company never received the fax...
Anyway, test came back today. It seems that he forgot to mention a little alleged misdemeanor incident he was recently "accused" of.
It gets worse... we are a wholesale distributor. Yesterday his sup. asked him to open a box and add another item. This box was on a pallet, which was shrink wrapped. He was caught on VIDEO putting the item in his pocket rather than in this box.
On top of all of this, he "forgot" that his daughter was to have surgery today and needed off.
Now unfortunately I will be letting this REALLY nice person go. I haven't had too much luck hiring people lately, and we have such an awesome company!! It's so depressing!
Can someone please tell me I am doing the right thing? Please?
Anyway, test came back today. It seems that he forgot to mention a little alleged misdemeanor incident he was recently "accused" of.
It gets worse... we are a wholesale distributor. Yesterday his sup. asked him to open a box and add another item. This box was on a pallet, which was shrink wrapped. He was caught on VIDEO putting the item in his pocket rather than in this box.
On top of all of this, he "forgot" that his daughter was to have surgery today and needed off.
Now unfortunately I will be letting this REALLY nice person go. I haven't had too much luck hiring people lately, and we have such an awesome company!! It's so depressing!
Can someone please tell me I am doing the right thing? Please?
Even though you may be talking about an extra day or two for all results to be returned, it will be well worth the wait.
However, he told me about ONE of the incidents listed, explained what happened, we discussed it, and it really wasn't a reason NOT to hire him.
What got my goat was the second one that he didn't disclose, which on paper is more of a serious nature.
I am always on my soap box about getting the test results before starting employment, and in this case I just let my guard down. I guess it goes to show that you just can't do it. Trust me, I have no stronger judge, jury and critic other than myself. Apparently I just tasted my own medicine. ICK!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
The main issue to me is the theft. That's pretty cut and dry to me. He stole, you can prove it, he's gone. No question.
In regards to the other, some states prohibit asking about "arrests" and it is not required that applicants disclose them. If your state is not one-what does it say on the form that they fill out for this question, does it specify arrests or does it say convictions?
You are firing a liar and a thief. It is absolutely correct to protect your company. Perhaps you should take another step and fill out a police report and let matters take their course. You might be protecting more than just your company then.
Do not feel bad about letting this guy pull the wool over your eyes. It is OK, to want to believe the best about people, the trick is not to end up cycnical about people, but to still follow the process that protects you.
The interview process is the best place to learn how to 'read' people. I am not great at this, but am getting better. If I can improve, anyone can - so there is hope if you hang in there and stay true to yourself.
I feel horrible, he really presented himself as a nice person, and as we concluded the termination meeting, he stood up, and shook our hands and thanked us for everything. Then wished us a Merry Christmas as he walked out the door. I feel about 2 inches tall right now.
I know it was the right thing to do and I know that I was protecting my company, I just wish he could have been a jerk when we fired him. Ya know?!
If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a manager hoodwinked by a "nice person" he/she has hired, I wouldn't be working here. I understand Butch Cassidy was a pretty decent sort, too. Didn't make him any less of a thief.
Relax. Even though you feel badly, you did do the right thing. Wait until you have to do it to a REALLY nice person for a nonperformance-related reason.
I interviewed the same guy today! He said you guys were pieces of trash and that the only reason he pursued an opportunity with your company was so he could defraud your WC carrier and then you for UI. He even said, and I quote, "that schmuck JM really thought I was being sincere when I wished him a merry Christmas! HA!"
Ok, I hope this makes you feel a little better
Is this what they call tough love?
How in the world can a "nice" guy lie, steal and have a bad memory for major events in his life?
Good thing you found out sooner than later when the entire pallet of materials may have gone missing. Yes, we HR persons should (and do) have a heart, but why waste it on a deceiver.
Take care.