Several of our EEs have requested that we remain closed the day after Christmas. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are paid and they want to take Friday and Sat. off as well. Business demands that we operate at least 3 days that week so we have decided to run on Sunday the 21st. Now we have some EEs raising cane about having to work on Sunday. We have advised that they may use vacation time or if none available it will not count as attendance incidents if they do not report as long as they advise in advance. Logistically we cannot "double" up on shift times to allow them to make up time and for those that do not have vacation time it will mean losing 8 hours.
Does anyone see any legal ramifications from this change? Approximately 92% of our employees are in favor of the change.
Thanks for input.
Does anyone see any legal ramifications from this change? Approximately 92% of our employees are in favor of the change.
Thanks for input.
Just a thought 0=*
Safety W.
1) Ability to take a vacation day (they could take it unpaid too if they wanted too right? By letting that happen, it makes the use of the vacation day their choice), and
2)Not an attendance infraction, so long as the time off is requested in advance.
I see accomodation & no adverse employment action. I would go forward with your plan. Just my thoughts.