Verification of past employment

I am fairly new at this whole HR thing so bare with me please! If someone calls you to verify past employment on a former employee what are the laws? Can you say both positive and negative? Only give dates of employment? Can you tell them if you would re-hire them? Please help!
Thanks for your input!
Chispity, in AR
Thanks for your input!
Chispity, in AR
It really depends on your corporate policy. Do you have one in place?
Thanks for your input.
Documented in writing,
True to the best of my knowledge, and
Relevant (IMO) to future employment.
The state of Missouri provides very specific protections to you if you follow these guidelines.
>ungrounded fear.
call is long time experience.
wait until your first law suit for defamation of character, or........?...........then you'll see why caution is the rule of the day.
Look, if a guy is fired for assaulting his boss, you don't think that should be revealed? What if he admits to embezzling $100,000? What if he's a great employee whose value to the organization went way above dates of employment and "eligible for rehire"? What if it were you?
Remember - we're talking about an ex-employee who has signed a release of information. If you're afraid of giving out documented, relevent history, then it's either unfounded fear or a lack of confidence in your own documentation.
Lawsuits are a dime a dozen. It's a risk you run when your business hangs the shingle. Start eliminating every job function that creates even the remotest liability, and let's see how long the business operates.
I guess you have not been challenged. Trust me, it is not a pretty picture. I know, I know, you can always ask the prospective employer to keep your statements strictly confidential. However, the bad news guy, who does not get the job, still comes back at you with a bunch of lies he made up because he assumed you told the truth.
It's a shame, I agree.
Suggestion, look at your state laws regarding giving out referrence and make sure that you have a policy in place.
>interupts my day - I can't schedule for it - and
>the quicker I get off the phone and on to
>something new (for current employees) the
Agreed, but checking references on people I want to hire is a big priority too. I guess it's a karma thing - what goes around, comes around.
"For my reference checking I find the checks over the phone to be useless as a source of info on an applicant & I always have them fill out a release form so I can get more information."
Karma ain't got nothing to do with it.