Time Limit on Keeping Applications/Resumes

Does anyone know if there are any kinds of laws mandating how long you should keep applications and/or resumes? Or is it just dependent on your company policy? We wouldn't want an applicant who didn't get the job to come back later and file a discrimination claim, etc. and we would no longer have the other applicants(other than the person chosen for the job) resumes to show that our decision was based on qualifications and nothing else. Thanks in advance!
There are only two reasons to file and retain applications: (1) For doubtful company use in case you want to rummage around and find an old one you think you recall, (2) For the EEOC to use in a case against you.
Destroy them on a timely basis in accordance with law.
If your policy is that unsolicited resumes are not accepted and are trashed, fine. But, you'd better practice that consistently and not keep a desk file of special ones you receive and trash the rest. The EEOC has long held that if your practice, or deviation from your stated practice, is that you do or will receive and review and consider unsolicited resumes, then those must be retained according to law. I'm just an HR guy, not a lawyer, but I've been through enough of these battles to know better than to try to ignore retention statutes or to say, "Hey, we don't keep those types of things". Your best defense, if charged, is to be able to show that your receipt and retention program is solid and your selection process is unbiased and non-discriminatory.