194 Posts
Has anyone used hair drug testing? If so, what are the advantages or urine testing?
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
I thought I recalled that it is also much more expensive than urine testing. And also takes longer for results. Anyone know if that is true.
The biggest plus is that it is virtually tamper-proof. You can't sober up for a few weeks or warm up some of your buddy's sample at the QT around the corner. A plug of hair approximately the size of a pencil eraser is cut by a technician at the testing site. If there is not enough hair on the head, a sample can be taken from elsewhere on the body.... x:-8 Drug use can be detected back several months. I did have a couple of applicants (female) turn down a job offer because they refused to allow their hair to be cut......
GUESS WHAT, I have no idea of the expense, because we have never had an ee with a positive urine test who wanted to invest the money to prove the urine test as not correct.
This system has worked for several different policy programs in 5 different companies.
Good luck, don't fork out the money as the company, let the one telling the truth invest the funds on his/her behalf!