managerial pos w/ criminal history
53 Posts
Anyone know if and what the consequences are of hiring someone who has direct care of patients and who has a criminal background history in the medical (psychiatric) field? Since I've joined this company and am in the process of getting perosnnel files in order, I've had to run background checks since that had never been done and many have come up with histories such as assault and battery and theft. One holds a position in administration. I'm not certain if it simply liability for the company should anything occur if it is a violation of some federal/state/medicare regulation.
Excellent practice to run these checks especially in healthcare. Make sure you run a nationwide check on healthcare workers. They can have a clean record in your particular state, but can have a blemished record in another.
We have recently started doing criminal background searches in our hiring process, and I was told that you need to have a release separate from the application for many types of searches. It would not be good to terminate someone because of information you found out during a search that you were not aloud to do.
By the way, I was terminated for bringing these facts up to the management company (going over the head of the Program Director and Director of Nurses). I guess they had just about enough of me. They perceived me as a threat. Thank you all for your input, you've been a lifeline to me.
I can sympathise too. I have been nagging upper management about writing people up for performence issues that cost the company substantial amounts of money. On friday they wrote me up for an offhand remark that I made to a store manager that had no negative connotation to it at all. I was so shocked I just signed and left (oh yeah, they ambushed me as I was running to catch a train)
I know they think I am a pest and would probably love to get rid of me. Luckily two new Board Members were just elected who believe in a positive HR department so I think things will turn around soon.
Good luck, keep in touch!