What to do?

We have a Sales Manager who had a seizure this weekend. While having the seizure she dislocated her shoulder and badly bruised the rest of her body. As of yesterday she was released from the hospital. No one knows why she had the seizure. Yesterday she comes to work for a meeting that was scheduled. She sits in the meeting for about 10 minutes and leaves. No one including the HR Department or her Manager has heard from her. We do know that she has lost her license for 6 months. 75% of her job is on the road selling. What is your advise on what we should do? Do we have to make reasonable accomodations for her and find something for her to do inside the building? Or, since her job relies on her having a driver's license can we terminate? Please understand that's not what we want to do. I just need to explore options and get your advise. Also understand I am working on limited information. Thanks as always for your wisdom.
If she no calls no shows based on your policy you can easily end her employment, even though it may not be what you want to do. The only other option is do you have another opening currently that she has the skills to be successful at? it may mean a cut in pay, but if you have an opening, and she is qualified great, but do not create a job.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
You don't want her to come back at you for any kind of discrimination.
Her odd behavior may even be a side effect from the seizure.
does she qualify for FMLA?
He was the only mechanical engineer on staff, so we hired a college student (this was during the summer) to drive him around to his jobs. This was a short term fix until he was cleared by his physician to drive. His one day in the office we allowed him to work out of his home.
Yeah - it costs us some $$, but we were able to meet our contractual obligations and kept our clients happy.