I am unable to reach BCIS (formerly known as INS!). Does anyone know if an individual with R-1 status (religious worker) can work at any other type employment without additional BCIS approval? BCIS website refers to working for another religious denomination but doesn't refer to secular work. HELP


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >I am unable to reach BCIS (formerly known as
    >INS!). Does anyone know if an individual with
    >R-1 status (religious worker) can work at any
    >other type employment without additional BCIS
    >approval? BCIS website refers to working for
    >another religious denomination but doesn't refer
    >to secular work. HELP

    I don't know the answer. But, I cannot imagine that a person who is allowed to work on a 'religious' visa could quit that and work in a secular institution. Can you? Otherwise, why would the religious permit have been issued? Just wondering.
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