HR requirements

I have basically had the HR position plopped on my desk. What was once a very small business is rapidly growing and I want to be sure we are meeting all requirements. Where can I find a listing of what we should be doing (employee meetings, training, etc) along with what forms we should have filled out on every employee - that type of stuff.
Do a search, subject HR Audit, on the internet and you will find some sites with lists on HR resposibilities and information regarding compliance issues.
Best wishes in your new and challeging role.
>>Reach for a parachute. Your current plight is hopeless.
Haha! Leave it to Don to provide that extra cheer you need in troubled times.
As for your organization, you can't do everything at once even though you'll be able to spot needs everywhere. You're going to feel like you're reactive instead of proactive - working on problems as they arise. But even in that, you're making progress. My personal belief is that you start with investing your time in the people that work for you. Review employment records & put them in order. With as few employees as you have, develop yourself a small data base (ACCESS). Is all their paperwork there? Do you offer benefits? Do you have a system for watching eligibility dates? Do you do reviews? Do you have any employees who have gone years without reviews & raises? (Very common in a small company where no one is watching.) Do they have titles and job descriptions? Look at policies and develop more as needed. Look at training & safety issues. But one word of caution - don't become a paper pusher that everyone dreads. Get out among your employees & listen & get to know them. Let them know you're there to help them succeed. On a management level, make sure you understand the business you're in. Once you get the administrative functions in order, then you can venture into the more strategic areas, which is really where the fun begins.
A small company is a wonderful place to learn to be a well-rounded, strategic HR professional. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Best of luck!
Let's face it... on Career Day in 5th grade, how many of you said "I want to be a Human Resources Generalist"?
If I get my act together in the next few days, I may post my resume here so you good folks can take some shots at it and tell me what you think.
James Sokolowski
Some days I'd like to just be able to say "I don't know - ask the Director". Is that what you are going through, WOCO Frank?
On the other hand, being the " go-to standard-upholder buck-stopper" gives me a lot of satisfaction and pride.
Let us know how you are doing, WOCO.
Your post seemed to read (whether intended or not), "I have a few minutes, tell me what I need to know to handle the HR function." That may be why Don's orignial post suggested a parachute.
Before this job in HR I NEVER did anything like this. Talk about a newbie! I do have an outstanding HR Director that has let me fly. But I would say the most help I have received is my fellow HR experts in my community. I joined the SHRM organization here in town then made a point to seek out others in the manufacturing field - easier for them to relate. They have been unbelievable in their support and help.
Good Luck, this will be the best and the worst job you have ever done. All depends on the day. But looking back the good things far out way any bad.