"Pass" Award for Day Off

Advice, please. Executive mgmt. has come up with an idea for a "Pass" for a paid day off given by manager and to be taken within a certain period of time, day to be approved by supervisor, policy added to the handbook, to recognize extra effort. It would have to be tracked by department. My concern is consistency, possibly saying 1 pass per every 5 employees in the department per quarter to make it fair. They want to be able to give them out as they see fit. We are a professional technology company so everyone is exempt; we are liberal with taking time off for personal appointments, etc. The computer services division does work overtime some, particulary when a project is almost due. So the CIO wants to reward them since we don't have comp time. I am recommending a half day off for "employee of the quarter" and a day for "employee of the year" (in addition to other things) for our next year's awards program (which now seems cheap). I am afraid that it will turn into a negative thing - "I have never been given a pass" and can see it frought with problems. Should we try it? Anyone have a similar program?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No matter what you do for a rewards program, some will complain. Those who yell the loudest that they have never gotten a pass are most likely those who fail to see that it is directly tied to their performance.

    My boss gives me a day off around holiday time, totally on the QT, not on my time sheet, I just let one other person know that I will not be in the office just in case there is an emergency of some kind. And she has no idea that its a free day, for all she knows I'm taking a vacation day. We report to different supervisors in different departments but sit next to each other.
  • PEGGY UH in LA: I suggest you get your personal concerns out of the way. If I read your post the EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT has come up with an idea to give a PASS, A SPECIAL DAY OFF FOR EXTRA EFFORT ON A PROJECT. IN MY PAST LIFE AS A COMMANDER AND STAFF OFFICER, I remember a Commanding General who walked around with special porker chips that he handed out as he chose to recognize my soldiers for extra ordinary events, they represented 3 day passes up to 7 day passes. I suggest you support the Executive Management with their idea and don't worry about the bickering. Deal with those issues as they arrive. If it flops, smile and pick up the pieces and set things straight. If it works be even more supportive, show them hoa it is really paying off, be supportive and help the work force gain more rewards.

    Sorry, I can't be more supportive.

  • Pork: You've been eating too much pork. : ) Unless your general actually did walk around with "porker chips". He must have been prescient.

    I agree with your thought; 'spot awards' are in favor, and may be a good way to recognize extra effort.
  • Make sure the policy is worded in a manner that gives the pass issueing supervisor the 'discretion' to award the pass however they see fit, but confine it to only their department. Obviously would not do for a supervisor to give a pass to an ee in another department that is on a PIP. Otherwise, it can even be arbitrary and capricious. Sounds like a good tool to have in the tool kit. Have some fun with it.

  • I can appreciate your apprehension. Spot awards given out by supervisors often reward the relationship you have with your boss rather than actual productivity and can have a negative impact. It can be a great tool, but only if your managers are well trained in supervision.
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