Changing Salary Schedule- How do you implement the change?

We are getting set to meet on discussing updating our wage rates. One of the issues we have discussed is do we make across the board increases or not once the change is made. I am interested in others input. Myself I do not believe we should be just increasing someones salary because the wage rates have changed, but make the adjustment at review time with a large increase if warrented.
I need objective opinions, of what other have done and what you think.
Thanks for you $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I need objective opinions, of what other have done and what you think.
Thanks for you $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
maybe you could split the difference, offer a small 1% across the board-cost of living sort of thing...and then provide an incentive for 2-4% as a merit raise?
In our non-union plant, when we change the rates, we evaluate everyone and based on the evaluation they either get the higher rate or go on a 90-day probation.
I participate in a bi-annual salary survey with other local governments. When our salaries appear in the lower half, I begin a process to increase wages for the next budget cycle. If the wages increase, the table is adjusted and all employees are increased at the beginning of the next fiscal year.