Non-Competes- Any Experience?

I have an employee we just let go. It turns out he was going to give notice tomorrow, he informed us of this. In his employment agreement he has a no compete clause for 2 years of doing identical work within 50 miles of our location.
He said he read it but did not think that is would be an issue as he is going to work for another company. (DUH) He is going to work for what is most likely a competitor, though he would not name them.
Once the new employer is identified, and it is clear he is in violation of the agreement, I am sure we will move forward.
My question to my fellow formites is has any body dealth with this before, and what were the results?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
He said he read it but did not think that is would be an issue as he is going to work for another company. (DUH) He is going to work for what is most likely a competitor, though he would not name them.
Once the new employer is identified, and it is clear he is in violation of the agreement, I am sure we will move forward.
My question to my fellow formites is has any body dealth with this before, and what were the results?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Tony Kessler, director of editorial
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
My experience with non-competes, although limited, is much more favorable than the others. I hate the way this sounds, but the more specific the non-compete is & the closer the job at your company matches the new job & if the employee takes your customers with them - the easier it is. I know our lawyer friends will hate me for this, but it also helps to apply pressure from your attorney as well. In my case, we sent a letter from our attorney immediately after the person left & reminded the person about the non-compete and included the signed copy. May sound like bully tactics - but it was important to our company's livelihood that we proceed. Sorry PORK, but DJ - I would contact your attorney & put together a game plan.
The employee had a company truck, term went fairly well, but he would not say who he was working for. Well his manager rode over to his house with him so he could empty the truck and then drive it back..........
After pulling in the driveway, a neighbor walks out who knows the ex-employee's boss they chat, the ex-employee gets pale and says "You know Bob?" Yeah we are old friends..... turns out that is who he is going to work for............LOL It is a small world...............after all of the not wanting to tell who he is going to work for, and the oh you will find out, I thought that was hilarious!!!!!!!
The non-compete was discussed again, with specific mention of not coming after our customers or we would have to take legal action, the new boss said, don't blame you, I would too.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman