Employees that smoke

I have two front office emps complaining about a third one who is a smoker. Their complaint is that she comes in from her smoking break reeking of cigarettes and it makes their allergies act up. There is no other place to move any of the employees.
Any ideas on how to approach the smoker?
Any ideas on how to approach the smoker?
However, one of the companies in this area felt sorry for the smoking ees (I believe the boss is a smoker)and gave them more breaks than the non-smokers.
Needless to say, the company quickly learned this was a mistake. I am raising this because you use the term "smoking break" as versus break.
Because we are a healthcare facility, we take every opportunity to tout our Wellness Program, which includes smoking cessation. Sometimes it falls on deaf ears, sometimes not...but worth a try if you have that or EAP available to you.
Good luck!
What if they decide they don't like the smell of garlic, etc. It can go on forever if catered to.