Child Support

I have only withheld child support when it has een court ordered. I have a new employee that says she wants her child support withheld from her check and sent to the state. She doesn't have a court order to pay. Am I required to do this? If so do I just have her fill out a deduction form authorizing us to withhold the amount? My fear is her coming back and saying that she knew nothing of it. Also, I don't want to set a policy here where I become the "bank" for making all employees support payments.
Thanks for your advice.
Thanks for your advice.
Thanks again.
Our software allows us to split deposits. If she can come up with a place she wants to direct the deposit (Bank routing number and account name and number),why not do it? Make sure you have her authorization and that she is responsible for any follow-up required.
Our agency encourages parents to take responsibility for their children and would do a bit of extra work to pull that off, but we would make sure our backsides were protected in the process.
Being new to your company the ee may want to keep up on her garnishment for child support by asking you to continue it until you physically get the documents. Making sure not to fall behind in payments sounds commendable. I would ask the ee for documentation of the garnishment before proceeding if you desire too. Usually once the ee notifies the State where they are working it takes a couple of weeks to get the court orders from them. At least in my experience.
Sounds to me like she has had problems in the past and wants someone to blame.
Second, if they want money sent to the state, they should contact the state to get this arranged. Let the state worry about whether or not a legal document is needed.
Third, I agree that I wouldn't start sending money to the state without the state knowing where the money goes. Also, they normally have a case number you need to put on the check.
Instead of telling the employee no, talk with them and explain that you have to have the notice from the state inorder to send the money. You will be glad to cooperate if they will contact the state and have them notify you with the proper information. If they were having this done previously, it should be a breeze. And if they were doing this previously, you might want to mention that they may want to continue sending money each week/month to the state with the proper information on the check (and keeping a copy) until the state can get it set up with you. THis way they won't fall behind.
The only time I have ever done child support without a notice/order is on a rehired employee that we had been served previoulsy. I called and talked with the court and found out that yes it was still in affect, and no nothing had changed, and that it would cost the employee over $100 to have it reserved on us. Since the court said everything was ok, I went ahead and continued this from the prior order. Otherwise, I would never do it.
Good luck and be kind to an employee who just wants to be a good parent.
E Wart
With a signed voluntary payroll deduction form on file you are certainly "covered". If it absolutely would make you feel better, have the ee contact the domestic relations or equivalent agency in your state and ask them them to enter a garnishment order (trust me, they will gladly comply).
Thanks for the advice.