Help! Illegal alien EE discovered

I supervise an EE I have been mentoring who just told me they didn't think they could work anymore, and then informed me they do not have legal papers to work in the US, or to be in the US. I sent them home immediately. They have a valid SS# but no papers. Is it best to ask for thier resignation? Should I put them on leave until they have gotten a work permit? Is it grounds for termination? They have been in the country since they were a child. They have been working for our company for 4 years. Can I accept their resignation based on them telling me they didn't think they could work there anymore? They told me about the papers in confidance, I don't want to violate that. Is there anyway for them to straighten this out and keep their job? What options are available?
Finally, whenever an ee comes to me or one of my assistants with something they want to be kept confidential, they are told, upfront, that if the situation creates a problem for the company, managerment will be advised.
Your last paragraph is on target. People often want to speak in confidence to HR and indeed, to many levels of management. Except for legislated confidentiality, such as Medical issues, once mgt is 'burdened with knowledge' they have that higher duty to protect the company. This appears to be exactly the case with this ee. I am also curious regarding the social security card and the forms of ID required with the I-9. Something does not quite pass the smell test here.