Time Off for Religious Holiday

Hello, All
I have an employee who is requesting October 6th off for Yom Kippur. She is salaried and has run out of Vacation and Personal time. I have advised her that should she take October 6th off, her salary would be affected.

My question: how much trouble are we opening ourselves up to should her time off be denied?

This employee has already used her allotted sick time, personal day and vacation time, as well has another week of unpaid time. She also takes many partial day absences (comes in late for one reason or another, leaves early for doctor appointments on a regular basis.) Her supervisor is already currently preparing a written warning about the attendance issues and now this request for the religious holiday comes through. Her supervisor wants to say No and put an end to this excessive absenteeism.

Your thoughts?


  • 30 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Tread very carefully, and pick battles you can win. Did she give you advance notice that she wanted an accommodation for Yom Kippur, or spring it on you at the last minute? What is her status? Is she exempt? Nonexempt?

    Without going into the ramifications of delving into her religious background, etc., I would give it to her. A jury would love to hear that she was denied her religious holiday when other employees received paid time off for their religious holidays.

    You can always deal with the absenteeism issues and the excessive time off separately -- I just don't think I would add a religious holiday to the mix. It only clouds the issue and gives you one more thing to defend against.
  • Beagle is correct. The other issues are spearate, however, if she has no PTO on the books you are under no obligation to pay her for the day. I would allow her to take the day without pay...and let the other issues proceed on their own merits.
  • Thank you very much for the quick responses.
    I've forwarded them to the supervisor to support my initial feeling that unless there is a justifiable reason she must be here that day, we should give her the day off and pursue it as a disciplinary issue.
    To answer Beagles questions: The employee is exempt and the request came in today.

    Thanks again for your advise!
  • Ah be careful here. If you do not pay her for the day, it could perceived as a disciplinary measure and exempt ee's cannot be docked single days for discipline or they lose exempt status. You can dock only in full week increments in this case. I do agree it is a sticky situation, you could do the right thing legally and look cold and heartless. Or, just give in and give her an unfair advantage of an additional holiday. Give her the day off with pay and counsel her that in the future she should reserve a vacation day or whatever for these religious holidays. Document as a verbal warning. Another idea, any possibility she could work Christmas day to make up for it?
  • Agree with Ray (believe it or not). We have a Jewish employee who takes Yom Kippur and works Christmas day to compensate. Since Yom Kippur is his "paid" holiday, he doesn't have to dig into his PTO or vacation balance.
  • You make it sound painful to agree. x;-)
  • Parabeagle outlines an approach to consider. If she gets this advantage now, will she work a non-jewish holiday to compensate? It seems fair to do so.
  • It is my understanding that I can indeed dock a full day's wages in this case. She is taking a day off for personal reasons and according to 29 CFR 541.118, "Deductions may be made when the employee absents himself from work for a day or more for personal reasons, other than sickness or accident. Thus, if an employee is absent for a day or longer to handle personal affairs, his salaried status will not be affected if deductions are made from his salary for such absences." The statute goes on to say that deductions can be made for sickness only if there is a sick leave plan in place and the employee has either not yet qualified for the paid leave or has exhausted all paid leave allowed.

    Good idea about the Christmas exchange thing, but our office is completely closed that day. Believe it or not, the owner of the company even added the day after Christmas, 1/2 day on New Years Eve and January 2nd to this season's paid holiday list. The owner is more than generous in the benefit area. Where else could you possibly get medical & dental family coverage for $20.08 per week?
  • I'm curious - Rosh Hashanah was September 26. The high school football games in Mesa, AZ, were moved to Thursday, September 25 to accommodate - though from what I understand that was an exception to most other high schools in the Phoenix metro area.

    No request for that day off, huh?
  • I think it depends, Leslie. Our Jewish employee didn't take Rosh Hashanah either. The only holiday he exchanges is Christmas/Yom Kippur. Don't know what the significance is.

    Personally I'm looking forward to adding Hobart Show Day (Oct. 23), St. Stephens Day (Dec. 26), Waitangi Day (Feb. 6) and Eight Hours Day (Mar. 1) to my list of paid holidays (see if the boss approves). x;-)
  • Leslie, Firstly Rosh Hashana (as with all Jewish Holidays) commenced on the evening of the 26th of September and hence no requirement to take the Friday off. No need for the sarcastic comment which I take major umbridge too.

    Yom Yippur is the most religious holiday on the jewish calendar and to deny this to an employee smacks of discrimination. You should not be connecting her lack of attendence to this at all. They are separate issues and should be dealt with us such!

  • Understanding that this holiday is so important, she should have made sure she had the paid time to take for it. To many christians, Good Friday is more important that Christmas because it begins the mystery of faith. I don't know anyone who gets that holiday paid (except some teachers)so many prepare for it with personal time. Its not a matter of discrimination, its a matter of not being able to accomodate every holiday for every faith.

    Don't deny her the day off, but I sure wouldn't pay her if you don't have to.
  • My company is closed for Good Friday (as are many companies in the NYC area).
    Yom Kippur is taken as a personal day. If someone was disciplined for taken a religious day (particularly one as important as this), the company would be open to EEOC charges and possibly, eventually, a trial.

  • The single day off without pay you are referring to in the above quote is assuming both parties are in full agreement. In your original post you mentioned that the supervisor is preparing a reprimand. So, what I said is also true, if the docking of one day is perceived as retaliatory or as a reprimand, exempt status could be forfeited. Disciplinary docking must be done in full week increments.
  • PAULA_AZ: I believe I would look at the accomodation for religious activities and consider the situation, accordingly. If, I am Christian and it is Easter or Christmas and I seek the same request as this person, of evidently Jewish faith, how would you react? As an exempt ee do you let me have the day off for compensatory hours worked over my required 40 hours each week and pay my salary regardless? I currently give the company 25 hours a day and 8 days a week, would it not be reasonable to let the supervisor/manager have the responsibility to make the decision to accomodate the EXEMPT, accordingly? As HR, I currently do not get in the middle of these types of situations unless the concerned Department Manager or Gm ask me to become involved. When I do, I ask questions of the manager to find out how they want the issue to unfold, what is our (the company or the department) purpose? How many extra hours has this ee already provided over 40 without additional compensation? How many hours will the ee give us over 40 in the future?

    In our company, we know that there is a certain set of managers are required based on their position of responsibility & accountabilies that must give us 60 to 70 hours a week for a base week salary. If the department head wants to give this group of employees the day off and not even mention it to PAYROLL OR THE HR great, that is one less worry. If there is any disagreement from anyone the response is "well let's see here is a transfer document ready for you to sign and tomorrow morning you can transfer to the production floor and start working to turn out the product for this organization and you too can get extra days off for the extra hours put in" as an EXEMPT EE!!!

    I recommend your consideration and thoughts in this frame of reference!

  • Leslie, Firstly Rosh Hashana (as with all Jewish Holidays) commenced on the evening of the 26th of September and hence no requirement to take the Friday off. No need for the sarcastic comment which I take major umbridge too.

    Yom Yippur is the most religious holiday on the jewish calendar and to deny this to an employee smacks of discrimination. You should not be connecting her lack of attendence to this at all. They are separate issues and should be dealt with us such!

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-01-03 AT 02:43AM (CST)[/font][p]Don't deny her the timeoff for Yom Kippur.

    If the supervisor has enough to give her a warning for the absences before Yom Kippur, why confuse the issue by denying her the day off on Monday? Accommodate her and issue the warning as appropriate, without reference to Monday's absence. If you want to play it really safe, then wait for the next absence after Yom Kippur and give her the warning then. Hopefully, the superviosr has already brought to the employee's attention the poor attendance and the fact she is subject to being issued a warning for that.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-01-03 AT 08:07AM (CST)[/font][p]FROM MY LAST POST ON THIS SUBJECT; IT APPEARS that some of you who are EXEMPT DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF EXEMPTS. We are joined by the company with whom we are directly associated with personal worth of great value to the company. Thus because we are soldiers of the cause at our choices the company and the individual, we should bleed the colors of the company and the company of US! EXEMPTS ARE EXEMPTS BECAUSE WHEN THE COMPANY CALLS US OUT TO A VEHICLE WRECK AT 1:00AM AND WE WORK THE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION UNTIL WE ARE SATISFIED WE HAVE THE FACTS DEVELOPED. WE ARE TIRED AND DIRTY AND MEN UNSHAVENED AND THE BOSS SAYS GREAT JOB TAKE THE REST OF THE DAY OFF, BUT WE REFUSE UNTIL ALL THE DOCUMENTATION IS COMPLETE AND THE EVENTS OF THE HAPPENING ARE WELL UNDERWAY.

    It is then that we might consider telling, whoever needs to know, I am headed home and please call me if someone needs me. I got paid for being in the position and working the necessary hours to handle company business. There is then an established understanding between the boss and the ee, "thanks, for a job well done, the company owes you one and we'll take care of you!" tHIS SPEAKS TO loyalty, professionalism, work ethic, leadership,and dedication,etc.

    This coming Friday, I will leave the office at around 1:PM after my boss and I know there is no need for me to be here, my assistant is here if anything comes-up! I then, within the hour, be in my tree stand BOW HUNTING FOR DEER! THIS IS A RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY, THAT I HAVE TAKEN FOR 28 YEARS AND THE COMPANIES' HAVE LOVED ME FOR IT. Even in my "tree stand" I am working, my boss has asked me to come up with a reorganization structure which will address a developing difficult issue on maintenance. From the time he gave me the mission yesterday my gears will be turning for the solution, I have not come up with it as yet; at two this morning, I woke up and had a brainstorm idea, I wrote it down and went back to sleep. While away this week-end my thoughts will be shared with the company and my love of my special religious holiday which is known and recognized by my boss!

    BOTTOMLINE: HRs get out of the middle of this issue and give it back to the concerned decision makers. If her boss wants to give her the day off and not count it as PTO/vacation/holiday/ or whatever, it should be the decision of the responsible manager.

    As HR you will feel alot more at ease with this issue when you are on the side line giving advice on behalf of the company and the ee, be they EXEMPT OR NON-EXEMPT!!!

    Regardless, we wish you success in your position and these are only my thoughts take it or leave it!

  • It is my understanding that you should give her the day off and if in fact you have a PTO policy and she has used all of her time, then you may in fact deduct a day's pay from her salary and she would not lose her exempt status. However, if she were sick, you could not deduct the days pay.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-01-03 AT 11:28AM (CST)[/font][p]Let's go over again what FLSA regs say about docking for full day absences due to personal reasons (non-illness and injury) and for full day absences due to illness and injury. 29CFR541.118(a)(2) and (3).

    If an exempt employee is absent for a full day due to personal reasons (which is as an absence reason that is not an illness, injury, or disability, or one of the specific reason identified in (a), such as jury duty or temporary miltary leave, the employer may dock the day's salary from the weekly salary (usually 1/5, if the employee works five days during the week). There is NO requirement that there be ANY accrued paid time balance, such as PTO, or paid personal time, or paid vacation time, at all. Thus, if the employer had no such benefit, the employer could still dock the salary for the full day's absence due to personal reasons.

    If an exempt employee is absent due to illness, injury or disability, for a full day, then a dock of the salary for that reason may ONLY be done if the emplyee is SUBJECT to a compensation mechanism that would provide pay for absence. That means if the employee has a paid sick leave or PTO (that would cover absences due to illness, injury or disability), or some type of "insurance plan" that would provide the benefit, then the salary may be docked. This is true even if the emplyee is NOT YET eligible for the beneift (e.g., not employed with company long enough) or has exhausted the benefits at the time of the absence due to illness or injury.

    The above addresses full day absences. Of course docking salary for part day absences is not permitted unless the absence falls under intermittent or reduced FMLA leave or the employee is in the public sector (and the governmental entity has a polcy of docking for part day absences). DOL does not consider charging an employee's part day absence against accrued time balance to be a violation of FLSA since it considers accrued time to be fringe benefits and not subject to FLSA. It is only concerned that if the employer does charge the accrued time balance for partial day absences, that the employer ensure that the full salary is still issued even when there is no or insufficient paid accrued time on the books to charge.

    BUT, in some states, such as California, charging paid vacation time or PTO for partial day absences would be a violation of state law. This is prmarily occurs where the PTO or vacation time is vested to the emplyee once it is earned and the state has a prohibiton against "use it or lose it" policies. In California, paid vacation time and unspecified PTO are considered to be forms of deferred compensation, although paid accrued sick time is not (thus in Califonria it would be possible to charge partial day absences due to illness or injury or disability against an accrued paid sick time balance, but not an unspecified PTO balance).
  • Regarding Hatchetman's paragraph copied below:

    "If an exempt employee is absent due to illness, injury or disability, for a full day, then a dock of the salary for that reason may ONLY be done if the emplyee is SUBJECT to a compensation mechanism that would provide pay for absence. That means if the employee has a paid sick leave or PTO (that would cover absences due to illness, injury or disability), or some type of "insurance plan" that would provide the benefit, then the salary may be docked. This is true even if the emplyee is NOT YET eligible for the beneift (e.g., not employed with company long enough) or has exhausted the benefits at the time of the absence due to illness or injury."

    However If the employee has used all of their PTO and they are sick the employer MAY in fact then deduct the day's pay from their salary.

  • So should we deduct a full days pay for all exempt employees who have used all their PTO and take Christmas day off? I would also like to know if this means that all exempt ees are excluded from other paid religious holidays? You can not give one employee a paid day to celebrate their religious holiday and turn around and deny another employee the same. How many of you who don't give the day will be work on Christmas? Likely not a single one. This is not an attendance issue, its a religious issue.

    We allow employees to work on other religious holidays if they want to take their own religious holidays off. Give her the day off so long as she agrees to work another holiday. If you don't accomadate, you can expect a knock on the door from the EEOC.
  • If Christmas Day is a work day and an employee wants to take it off to attend religious observance or for other religious reasons, not just becuase it's nice to have off assuming you wouldn't grant the time off otherwise, and is out of PTO, then, yes, you would dock the exempt's salary for that full day of absence. I assume that Christmas is NOT a paid holiday for your company.
  • Actually Christmas and Christmas eve are paid Holidays for my company. We let our employees work on these days if they would rather use the time for other paid days off. You do not ask Christians to use their non-holiday PTO to observe Christmas so why is it fair to ask other religions to use their non-holiday PTO to observe their religious holidays. The fact is, is that it is not fair and so we (our HR Department) are trying to make all of our employees feel welcome regardless of their religious beliefs. To do other wise is out right discrimination.
  • HORAY, HORAY, HORAY: The way to deal with this issue is smartly; let the JEWISH ee off, let the MUSLIM ee OFF; ETC. JUST LIKE YOU WOULD THE CHRISTIAN ON A SCHEDULED CHRISTMAS DAY AND/OR EASTER.

    If you do not want to establish a holiday on those days mentioned for everyone, just make a reasonable accomodation for these, they are also deserving. WHEN OUR EXEMPT EE'S have to work on a scheduled holiday we allow them to be off some other day. If we are NOT open to allow for someone to work, I do believe, the concerned manager/supervisor and I could find another work day to allow for this religous activity without the EXEMPT ee having to pay for it. It may be in the future, but if the individual is serious then let's find a reasonable accomodation. Do not take a day of pay away from the ee, when you do, it will be another precedent setting nail in your poster, which reads XXX-company discriminates against other than main stream ees!

  • A Suggestion, is next year design you holiday schedule with at least one floating holiday that employees can use to celebrate a holiday that the company may not honor. If they don't want to do this, they can take it for any reason. This gives you and your employees some flexibility. [Then if this comes up again and she didn't ask for it as as floating holiday, you can review it even closer.]
    One question is "has this employee" accomplished their work for that week or will it cause any type of undue hardship for her to be off. Also, is she asking it off with or without pay.
    If you are able to allow her the time off, I would do so, but you can then decide if you want to pay her or not. You certainly don't have to. If she learns it is without pay, she may change her request. (Is there anyone else in the office who may want to have this day off as well? If so, make sure you handle them equally.)
    Now if she has an attendance issue, I would also address that, but not even bring this day into the picture when discussing it.
    E Wart
  • Lara: So Yom Kippur begins at sundown on the fifth, and continues on into the sixth?

    Also, I've read my post through a couple times now and still don't understand what sarcastic comment I made that you took umbrage to. If it was the last line, I was simply asking how do I, as an employer, determine which religious holidays are most holy? I've got 1000 employees from who knows how many different religions - I'd hazard a guess at 200 - I need to let them all take off when they tell me a day is important to them religiously? With 1000 employees, that's going to be impossible to track.

    We are a 24/7 business - no matter what the religious holiday, we never close. Exempts receive 8 paid holidays per year. If an exempt works one of the company designated holidays, they are free to use the day as a floater within the next six months. They are not allowed to stack the holidays to, say, add onto a vacation.

    I work on an Indian reservation. National Indian Day is not a designated holiday. Exempts and non-exemps alike either use a floater or vacation time to cover the day. They prepare for it. I'd be pretty hard pressed to pay another exempt for a religious holiday when they have no time to cover it. If it's important to have the day off, prepare for it by saving time.
  • I agree with Leslie, but the only problem is for us companies that are not open 24/7 year round. It is not cost effective to open the doors on Christmas Day to accomodate someone who took off a different religious holiday. The big concern I have is if we allow non-Christians to take off Christmas because the doors are closed and take off their religious specific holiday, then the non-Christian receives the unfair advantage of more paid time off. As others and Leslie just said, the non-Christians have to prepare for it. I see it as THEIR obligation.

    Another factor not considered yet. Should we not verify the non-traditional religious holiday is bona fide before making any accomodation and should we not require the ee to prove they deserve the accomodation? The only other alternative I see is do away completely with all religious based holidays. Stay open for business on Christmas. Make the Christians do the same as non-Cristians, budget their time off.
  • I am surprised at your language. "Non-traditional religious holiday" - is that Yom Kippur, Orthodox Christmas, Ramadan? I could go on and on. "require the ee to prove they deserve the accomodation"- the issue is not what I deserve(though I'm so good, I know I do), but what the law says. Remember, the law doesn't require a belief in God (Oy vey, I'm getting in trouble again), but a sincere and meaningful belief....Ergo, if a person has a sincere belief and belongs to group called the Church of the Divine Coward and they must once a year celebrate chickens for a whole day, the ee must be accomodated.
    Finally, I do get a paid day off for Christmas, January 1st, Good Friday. But when I take off for my religious holidays, I must use a personal day. But, you can use that personal day to go Vermont and ski. However, since you don't support H, all is forgiven.
  • Wow - this topic sure has hit a chord with many. I assure you it was strictly coincedence that this employee's next day off request happened to be a Jewish holiday. The request came in within hours after the supervisor was just in my office questioning whether we had a policy that limited unpaid time off. The policy is that unpaid time off is at the discretion of the supervisor and should not be expected. The issue of her attendance had been brewing for a while. She has a dual-role job, and her "direct supervisor" had just changed from one who had been extremely tolerant of her excessive absenteeism at the peril of the morale of her teammates to another person who more clearly sees the effect on her team and is determined to put an end to the time off abuse.

    To conclude, the employee was granted the day off without pay. She was also given a written warning and informed that future unpaid time off requests would be denied except in an emergency situation. She was also given a set 730a-430p schedule and, as all other salaried non-management employees are required to do, must give prior notice if she will be more than 30 minutes late or leaving more than 30 minutes early. The employee was very receptive to the discussion, as it was conducted with the utmost professionalism and tact.

    Her 1-year anniversary is coming up at the end of October and she'll be entitled to additional vacation/personal/sick time then.

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