Years of Service Calculation
1,235 Posts
HR puts out a monthly years of service report to all staff. Presently the years of service indicated on the report are for their current stint with the company (some ee's have been here and left and then returned). The board wants HR to include ALL years on the report as one total for each individual that left and returned. Some ee's left and came back 3-5 years later. I'm wondering how my forum colleagues handle this.
2. Measure elapsed time in years, weeks and dates between date of separation and rehire date. This is total absence.
3. Compare the lengths of time measured in 1 and 2. If total absence is less than total service advance the original hire date by the number of years/weeks/days in the total absence. This is the bridged seniority date.
4. If the total absence is greater than the length of total service there is no bridging and the employee's rehire date becomes his/her original hire date for seniority purposes.