Am I required to negotiate a polcy definition?
1,510 Posts
We currently have a flextime and attendance policy in place but have recently been made aware that both of these policies have been abused by employees and that the supervisors have not been administering these policies correctly. This has resulted in some employees being allowed to "flex" more than what the guidelines allow as well as employees routinely reporting for work tardy and being allowed to "make up" their time. Since this is a union setting, I obviously have concerns regarding consistent treatment of employees.
The decision was made to further define the flextime policy in that supervisors will now be required to complete a form each time an employee "flexes" and that an employee reporting for work after the start of their shift will only be allowed to "make up" their time if they called prior to the start of their shift regarding their tardiness. In addition, if an employee does report to work "tardy" this would be considered their one-day-a-week flexday.
Word of these changes got onto the production floor due to employees overhearing a conversation and I ended up in a "meeting" with the union committee yesterday wherein they informed me that I was required to "bargain" these "changes" before implementing. I contended that this isn't a "change" but rather further defining the policy to ensure all employees are treated consistently. They disagreed.
Would this be something I would have to "bargain" with the committee? Neither of these policies are part of the contract and both were implemented way before I was a part of the company.
Any help would be appreciated.
The decision was made to further define the flextime policy in that supervisors will now be required to complete a form each time an employee "flexes" and that an employee reporting for work after the start of their shift will only be allowed to "make up" their time if they called prior to the start of their shift regarding their tardiness. In addition, if an employee does report to work "tardy" this would be considered their one-day-a-week flexday.
Word of these changes got onto the production floor due to employees overhearing a conversation and I ended up in a "meeting" with the union committee yesterday wherein they informed me that I was required to "bargain" these "changes" before implementing. I contended that this isn't a "change" but rather further defining the policy to ensure all employees are treated consistently. They disagreed.
Would this be something I would have to "bargain" with the committee? Neither of these policies are part of the contract and both were implemented way before I was a part of the company.
Any help would be appreciated.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ THe Balloonman
Wish me luck!