Guess on Insurance Increase % for this year?

I was recently in a conversation with the management team regarding how much we thought our medical insurance may go up for next year... I know that last year it was close to 30%... do any of you have some idea on what it looks like for 2004? (or could you let me know the % of increase that you most recently had to gulp?) Thanks!
If you had a decent year figure on a 13.5% increase......... :-)
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I just went through this process and our increase was 11.5%. It didn't start that way though. To renew with our current coverage we were looking at a 39% increase (the insurance company didn't want to sell the product any more so they raised the rates). I sent out an RFP to several brokers in my area & we seriously looked at 4 candidates (one included our current broker of 14 years). The first rates they brought back reflected a 16% increase - still too much. I hate to say it, but I got them in a bidding war - negotiating, of all things, their commission rates. We did go with another broker (current broker was a pompous jerk) and actually were surprised with how much more the new broker could offer as far as services & somewhat cutting edge healthcare packages. I would recommend the RFP route, it was time consuming, but with the way insurance is going - more money for less coverage - it really pays to shop around.
it would be greatly appreciated.
It is very hard to recuit employees who want to put a dependent on our insurance plan.
Rob S
Our fully-insured piece' rates, HMO, will go up by 20%. I estimate that our self-insured piece (Indemnity) will hover around 15-17%. It was only 12% from 2002 to 2003.
Our person waiting for the transplant should either have it soon, get taken off of the list because he is getting to sick or pass away pretty soon (I'm getting to sound morbid). As soon as one of those three happens, we will put our policy out for bid again (even if it is not renewal time). I have been told that our rates should get back in line when that happens.
I am new to the insurance game and I am not even sure what an RFP, would any mind sharing their definition or possibly showing me a copy of one? Thanks again! We should find out in the next few weeks about our increases, but of course we just keeping hearing its not good, if it gets much higher I don't even know if I will be able to keep insurance.
These are big long complicated documents that are either published publicly or submitted to 'pre-qualified' Vendors that would like to provide the service your company is seeking. After reading the RFP, the Vendor will put together a written proposal-usually it explains the methodology, cost analysis, and the expected outcome.
After your company receives the responses they are evaluated using pre-determined critera. You can then select your chosen Vendor.
The last one we did was a nine month process!!!
Am I understanding your post correctly? These seem to be the ee's portion of the premium which is not indicative of your actual premiums.
In any event, I just negotiated (without a broker, I might add), a richer plan at a 20% savings over current premiums! Needless to say, our leadership was impressed!