Gambling on company property
183 Posts
We have a policy against "illegal" gambling on company property. What constitues illegal gambling and what is considered legal? What is your company policy on gambling? Does your policy address football and basketball pools? Do you make exceptions for certain activites?
We had a situation where a football pool turned into one employee being dismissed and several others facing some pretty harsh discipline. It was like our security dept turned into the FBI on a RICO operation!
As far as whats legel or not legal, sorry, I can't help there, I thought anything not run by the state was illegal but I'm probably wrong about that.
Most of us don't set up sports pools for personal gain, like I used to do when I was in high school, At a dime a square I would pay out $8.50 to the winner and pocket $1.50. On Sunday I would tithe 15 cents and spend the rest on me.
That was big stakes gambling in my young Baptist days. As a Methodist now I don't make books, but I will spend $20.00 for entertainment pulling on the one arm bandit for fun!!!
We had just installed phone usage software and immediately noticed that one particular ee was running up hundreds of dollars a month in 900 number charges. Investigation determined he was calling people that give out picks for all of the games and then playing several different versions to try and win the pools.
He did not get fired, but he did have to pay all of the 900 number phone charges. Ironically, he only placed 2nd in one week of the pools and never did win anything.