The Cost of a New Hire?
140 Posts
We are in the process of evaluating whether or not we will be able to give our employees a salary increase this year (did not have one last year.) I know that if we fail to do so again, we are going to lose some valuable employees. My question is to you all - Can you help me justify to top management how that will affect the bottom line? I would like to write up the figures involved in the actual cost of hiring a new employee (ad, interviewing costs, physical/drug test, background check, etc.) I think I know most of the basics, but am trying to think of some "hidden" costs which you might not think of. I just don't want to forget anything - I think this will show that it will cost us more in the long run if we don't try to give our current employees some kind of recognition now. Your help would be most appreciative!
We are facing another year with out raises, oh how horrible for us!!!Yet we remain very competitive in the compensation range!
Finally, some additional advice. You may already be planning on doing this, but if in case your not, beef up your presentation by providing current market conditions and trends. We too have not given many increases in the past two years, but we also know that in our economy, unemployment is at an all time high & it's even worse than the state numbers within our own county. We also know that while housing prices continue to climb, rentals (which affects most of our folks) have declined as well as the price of food & other items ('cept gas of course). We use this information to balance the decision of whether or not to go into debt or significantly reduce profit by lifting the wage freeze. The other aspect of your presentation, should look at other scenarios other than across the board lifting of the wage freeze. If your concerned about very specific individuals leaving & their knowledge is vital to continued success - offer them spot bonuses. These are easier than increasing hourly wages as those increases lead to more being paid out in OT and taxes. Present a well rounded briefing & at the end, make your recommendation based on the information you have provided. Good luck!