Our company requires safety glasses for certain departments. With OSHA regs we are now going to prescription safety glasses for those who need them. My question is....we want to inform ees that the company will pay for the pres. glasses..however if ee is termed or resigns within 1 year of receiving glasses the cost will be deducted from their last check. Can we do this, do you see any problem with this since the glasses are required? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Also, we provide a separate vision certificate to ee's at the time of hire and every year after that is worth $125 at several vendors in our area that offer vision exams, glasses, etc. This certificate is different than the safety glasses certificate in that an ee can use it for any service or item for sale at the selected places of business on the certificate. Again, the only monies we collect would be for the safety shoes as stated above.
Trying to get reimbursed if one left the company would be a needless pain, in my opinion.