initial interview - walk in

If you advertise that you have a position open or if someone just walks into the office asking if there are any positions open - is it proper (legal) to have them fill in the application, I-9 and a disclaimer to the correctness of the info; or are you limited to the application on the first contact and only if you offer a position can you get the I-9 and disclaimer along with the rest of the documents?
Can the application ask for the SS # or not.
Can the application ask for the SS # or not.
No, I am not a student but what would be wrong with using this forum for research if I were a student? The information has always been very helpful.
Also, no one mentioned the SS# on the that okay?
We do not have a procedure as yet I am just organizing one we really arent big enough for a HR dept.
The problem we've had with students in the past is that they get on here and try to get us to do their homework, or term papers, or other assignments for them. We can spot the lazy ones who want to sit back and have us do all their work for them. That's what was meant about students. No harm meant. Jump back in and ask the group other questions.
I understand your concerns; "Dandy Don" is absolutely right, but then you may have a reason that you might choose to violate the law, if it is reasonable you may not get the heaviest of fines. Remote locations where the actual interview and hiring and "going to work" is accomplished is more easily done if once the decision of offer is made and you have the necessary information you can get a ssn/name, dob, sex match made and stop the "physical allowed to work activity".
Sometimes it takes a week to get to the individual who has been hired and put to work before I can get to them to sign their documents.
Sometimes you got to weigh the options and do whatever you need to do to keep production and service going! I get all that kind of information for my DOT/TRUCK DRIVERS, because we do an initial MVR done before we allow the 2nd interview with the supervisor/manager. Many of our truck drivers are over-the-road and we interview over the phone and make arrangements for one-on-one interviews when they are busting through our location; I do not allow the 2nd interview without a good driving record.
It works for us but then we.......
forgot my though and several other postings got between me and "Dandy Don's" posting.