What do to - New Job

Hi guys,
Need some advice please :
My career history is as follows :
14 years with 1 Company, spanning 4 diffferent countries, followed by 1 year then retrenched, followed by 1 year then left to take on what was meant to be a years contract with fantastic opportunities that subsequently ended up only being 4 months.
I am currently unemployed, however I have been offered a job which is ideally not what I am seeking to do and have reservations about the role.
Do I stick it out in the unemployment market or should I take this job and then look for another. I am worried that my tenure has not been very lenghtly in my previous roles, and if I take this job and then leave after a short period of time I will be doing myself a greater disservice.
On the other hand it is a job in this market.
Your thoughts please.
Need some advice please :
My career history is as follows :
14 years with 1 Company, spanning 4 diffferent countries, followed by 1 year then retrenched, followed by 1 year then left to take on what was meant to be a years contract with fantastic opportunities that subsequently ended up only being 4 months.
I am currently unemployed, however I have been offered a job which is ideally not what I am seeking to do and have reservations about the role.
Do I stick it out in the unemployment market or should I take this job and then look for another. I am worried that my tenure has not been very lenghtly in my previous roles, and if I take this job and then leave after a short period of time I will be doing myself a greater disservice.
On the other hand it is a job in this market.
Your thoughts please.
When I recruit, I tell "young people" not to take a job you wouldn't be happy doing for at least 3 years. I don't think it is fair to you or your employer. But, on the other hand, many people have taken a job that they didn't think they would like and found out it was perfect for them.
Do you have any other prospects in the pipeline?
Just remember, looking for a job is a full time job. If you take this job and want to continue looking, will you have time?
Good luck.
E Wart
I was laid off only once and hated being on unemployment. I took a menial job while I job-searched, but my employer knew I would continue my search.
When I interview very qualified people for a position beneath their expertise and education, I ask them if they are using my position as a stepping stone until something else comes along. Some people are honest, and of course, are ruled out.
It's going to be a personal decision.
Good luck. Let us know.