Hot Topics in HR

I posted this request last year and you all were a tremendous help.
I'm getting ready to present an "HR Top 10 List" to our officers at our annual corporate meetings. What, in your opinion, is the "hottest" HR issue we're dealing with today? The presentation is only going to be about 15 minutes.
I'm getting ready to present an "HR Top 10 List" to our officers at our annual corporate meetings. What, in your opinion, is the "hottest" HR issue we're dealing with today? The presentation is only going to be about 15 minutes.
2. "Safety for Dummies"
3. Rising, no ...SOARING costs of Healthcare. Ouch!
2. Implementing COBRA changes.
3. Becoming more of a strategic partner.
4. Reducing the cost of turnover.
5. HIPAA regulations.
6. The rising cost of Workers Compensation.
7. FLSA changes.
8. Controling overall benfit costs while trying to remain competative.
15 minutes - yikes! Thats not a lot of time.